26 Mart 2013 Salı

The Golden Ratio

 What makes a single number so interesting that ancient Greeks, Renaissance artists, a 17th century astronomer and a 21st century novelist all would write about it?  This “golden” number, 1.61803399, represented by the Greek letter Phi, is known as the Golden Ratio, Golden Proportion, Golden Mean, Golden Section and Divine Proportion.  It was written about by Euclid in “Elements” around 300 B.C., by Luca Pacioli, a contemporary of Leonardo Da Vinci, in “De Divina Proportione” in 1509, by Johannes Kepler around 1600 and by Dan Brown in 2003 in his best selling novel, “The Da Vinci Code.” With the movie release of the “The Da Vinci Code”, the quest to know Phi was brought even more into the mainstream of pop culture. The allure of “The Da Vinci Code” was that it creatively integrated fiction with both fact and myth from arthistory,theology and mathematics, leaving the reader never really knowing what was truth and what was not. This site studies this golden number Phi, and its mathematical cousin, the Fibonacci series, both of which have roles in the plot of this murder mystery, and distinguishes between the myth and the math.

Mathematics of the Golden Ratio

This Golden Ratio truly is unique in its mathematical properties and pervasive in its appearance throughout nature. The “mathematically challenged” may be more interested in the appearances of Phi in nature, its application to artarchitecture and design, and its potential for insights into the spiritual realm, but let’s begin with the purest of facts about Phi, which are found in mathematics.
Most everyone learned about the number Pi in school, but relatively few curriculums included Phi, perhaps for the very reason that grasping all its manifestations often takes one beyond the academic into the realm of the spiritual just by the simple fact that Phi unveils a constant of design that applies to so many aspects of life. Both Pi and Phi are irrational numbers with an infinite number of digits after the decimal point, as indicated by “…”, the ellipsis.
Where Pi or p (3.14…) is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, Phi or Φ (1.618 …) is the Golden Ratio that results when a line is divided in one very special and unique way. To illustrate, suppose you were asked to take a string and cut it.  There’s any number of places that you could cut it, and each place would result in different ratios for the length of the small piece to the large piece, and of the large piece to the entire string. There is one unique point, however, at which the ratio of the large piece to the small piece is exactly the same as the ratio of the whole string to the large piece, and at this point this Golden Ratio of both is 1.618 to 1, or Phi.

New Discoveries involving the Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio continues to open new doors in our understanding of life and the universe. It appeared in Roger Penrose’s discovery in the 1970′s of “Penrose Tiles,” which allowed surfaces to be tiled in five-fold symmetry, a task previously thought impossible. It appeared again in the 1980′s in the three-dimensional molecular arrangement of quasi-crystals, a newly discovered form of matter. As we enter the 21st century, Phi seems to be having a rebirth in integrating knowledge across a wide variety of fields of study, including time and quantum physics.

Adonis Golden Ratio Review Event By Kyle Leon

Adonis Golden RatioCalifornia CityCA
Adonis Golden Ratio Review Event By Kyle Leon & John Barban is coming soon to grab early youe spot, please go here: http://b0ebdgtplt8m4t18gnr37zl91z.hop.clickbank.net/
or Here in Adonis Golden Ratio Worldwide: http://adonisgoldenratiosystems.com/
Adonis Golden Ratio Review Event is Available for a limited time only. Adonis Golden Ratio is about how to building muscle fast using the power of Adonis Effect & index.Follow Adonis Golden Ratio: http://adonisgoldenratiosystems.com/
See you There,
Adonis Golden Ratio

25 Mart 2013 Pazartesi

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Buy Adonis Golden Ratio

For anybody who has ever spent what seems like countless, pointless hours in the gym only to see no results, there’s some good news. Genetics has always played a major role in body shape and fitness, so it makes perfect sense that the key to getting a perfect body would come from the field of genetics study.
If you feel like you’re defeated by your body shape and type before you even start, the one system you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived: The Adonis Golden Ratio program is here to satisfy the scientific advancements in exercise that we all knew were coming.
In this Adonis Golden Ratio review, you’ll learn more about what this best-selling health, exercise and fitness program does, how much it costs to buy Adonis Golden Ratio and where you can get the best price on the Adonis Golden Ratio system.

What Does the Adonis Golden Ratio Do?

The Adonis Golden Ratio program was developed by prominent fitness experts Kyle Leon and John Barban, two of the leaders in breakthrough fitness nutrition, supplementation, and muscle building. The two men have discovered and designed the secret ratio for the male body that has been proven by study after study to be the most aesthetically pleasing and superior form. This is the one body form that makes women involuntarily attracted to men, meaning it’s the most desirable shape to have.
These bodily proportions are the goal of the Adonis Golden Ratio program, making all men who try it maximally attractive. By using a customized nutrition and workout plan, the Adonis Golden Ratio unlocks the genetic coding we all have inside of us to release the V-tapered look women find so attractive. In essence, the program delivers a blueprint to success, focusing on tapping into each person’s unique genetic code to unleash the full potential of their bodies.
Young and old alike are finding out that it’s not too late to change the appearance of their body type, even if they were born resembling a pear more than Adonis; the Golden Ratio is designed to specifically tackle the problem of body image.
When you buy Adonis Golden Ratio System, you get:
  • 12-Week Golden Ratio Training Program: This is the ultimate 12-week workout program, fully designed to work with your body, not against it. So many other workout programs focus on changing your body against its will, but the Golden Ratio Training Program wills your body to change on its own through a unique workout regimen. Packed with over 70 different videos detailing exercises designed to help you unleash your inner Adonis, the workouts are structured so that you can target specific areas on your body which are more prone to storing fat, such as the waistline, thighs and other problem areas.
  • Adonis Golden Ratio Nutrition ProgramThis fully customized nutrition program shows you exactly what you should be eating in order for your body type to maximize both muscle growth and fat loss at the same time. By putting the right fuel inside of your body, maximum change is affected through optimization of workouts and refueling. The plan is customized according to your individual “Adonis Index.”
  • Adonis Golden Ratio Supplementation GuideUsing the right supplements at the right time can turn average workout results into extraordinary fitness results. The Adonis Golden Ratio tells you what, when and how you should be taking supplements in order to finish out the trifecta of training, nutrition and supplementation.
  • What are People Saying about the Adonis Golden Ratio Program?

    The Adonis Golden Ratio is being hailed as “The Perfect Body Formula” by Men’s Health magazine, and was just awarded the title of “Best Men’s Fitness Course” by leading diet and fitness review site DietsAndFitnessGuides.com. In addition, this Adonis Golden Ratio review is giving it the title of “Best Men’s Comprehensive Fitness Package of 2013″

    How Much Does the Adonis Golden Ratio Program Cost?

    Typically, a workout and nutrition fitness program that is this comprehensive and effective would cost you upwards of $100, but if you click here right now, you can get the Adonis Golden Ratio review discount price of just $47!

    Why Should You Buy Adonis Golden Ratio?

    If you’re looking to change your body shape for good and be the most physically attractive specimen you can be, then the answer to this question is a no-brainer. Buying the Adonis Golden Ratio program will put you on the fast track to having the best body in the gym, on the beach and—of course—in the bedroom. And with the 60-day 100% money-back guarantee, you can be sure this fitness program is the only one you’ll ever need. Plus, it’s available for instant download so that means you won’t have to wait one second more before getting the body of the gods—the body of Adonis!

24 Mart 2013 Pazar

Breaking News: Adonis Golden Ratio System Exposed

Victoria, Australia -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/18/2013 -- Nothing can be more effective when it comes to getting the right body shape than using the Adonis Golden Ratio System! The Adonis Golden Ratio is known to be a nutrition and workout program by John Barban and Kyle Leon that claims it does not matter how old men are or how much they have already tried; any guy in any stage of life can use the Adonis Golden Ratio System to get the body he desires and has been working for.

The Adonis Golden Ratio System is fit for any guy out there who have long been working out just to achieve their desired bodies. Perhaps you are one of those who are looking for systems such as this. You might have tried many systems already and have not seen results. But you will not have to worry because this system’s results will drive you to keep pushing and move on. Its results are evident from its challenging workouts.

Unlike any other systems, this system includes a 12 week workout program in which John shows men to customize their eating regime according to their own personal body shape right now. This is packed with 78 advanced video lessons on how to perfect their technique and to help them fast – track their results. It also has a Supplementation Guide that teaches what supplements to take and what to avoid for maximum results.

The program is aimed at getting men the Adonis body no matter where their starting point is. This helps men figure out their personal genetics and how they can personally use the nutrition and workout program to create a fat burning body that builds up lean muscle quickly. When you will see the changes yourself, you will want to do it more and so are the others around you. The results alone brings the difference from all else and can be your very reason of choosing this one over the other systems.

The workout in this program is said to be the biggest focus. The nutrition supplement guides do offer you some great information that will help you achieve the body shape you so want that you spend much of your time, effort and money with. It has been said that you can supplement your knowledge with the information that John gives you to create a diet that works for you for the full 12 weeks. This system can help you work past your genetics to get the Adonis body that you are after. 

The Adonis Golden Ratio System is made by a kinesiologist who knows how the body and muscles work and can share that information with you. This has worked for many others. And this is purposely designed to take you, no matter where you are starting from, towards the body shape that is deemed most attractive among men and women alike. Following the program will only bring you the best results in no time. So start using the Adonis Golden Ratio System now and experience it for yourself.

About Vera Murray Research Group
Vera Murray Research Group is one of the best research groups when it comes to finding and researching latest products and services made available to the world wide web of potential clients. Vera Murray delivers where the latest research and reviews where it counts the most!

The Science Behind A Perfect Body: The Golden Ratio

So, the more a body fits into the parameters laid out by the golden ratio, the more attractive it will be, both physiologically and psychologically. It's a really interesting bit of science and evolutionary psychology, and it begs the question: How do we use this information to help you achieve your fitness goals and get the body that you want?

Well, the first thing is to realize that, chances are, the body you are working so hard for is based on our intrinsic ideas of symmetry. Of course, the numbers are just everywhere in places we can't control. Thankfully, not many women are going to be looking closely enough at your feet and shins to make sure they add up correctly.

That said, the golden ratio also applies heavily in places we can control, and the most important one by far is the most visible: your waist-to-shoulder measurement. As mentioned earlier, broad shoulders imply strength, power and virility, and are, therefore, a mating qualifier that makes a body appear more attractive to the opposite sex. But “broad” is a relative term. Something can only be “broad” if it’s compared to something less so, which is where your shoulder-to-waist measurement (and the golden ratio) come in.

The Adonis Index: How Do You Measure Up

If you want to build a body that is attractive in any type of wardrobe and is noticeable even from across the room, you need to optimize your Adonis Index. You need to develop your shoulders so they’re broad compared to your waist. The perfect dimensions are -- you guessed it -- in line with the golden ratio. So, if your waist is given a value of 1, your shoulders should be 1.618. This would be considered the “ideal” Adonis Index.

Now, let’s say you’re a skinny guy looking to gain some muscle. If your waist measures 28 inches, then your goal for your shoulders should be just about 45.3 inches. Even if you don’t immediately gain a tremendous amount of muscle, as long as you develop your shoulders to fit that proportion, you’re on your way to a  “perfect” body.

Alternatively, let’s say you’re on the bigger side and you want to drop some weight. Maybe your shoulders measure 54 inches around -- quite a big guy, and certainly powerful looking -- but your waist could use some help. In this case, all you need to do is drop enough weight to bring your waist measurement down to around 33.5, and your proportions will be immediately more attractive. That means, you don’t need to get “super lean” just to improve your body and improve your Adonis Index.

A Case Study

Let’s work it the other way and put the Index in perspective. Let’s say we have a guy with a 34-inch waist whose shoulders measure 45 inches around. His current Adonis Index is about 1.323; he has some work to do.

If he diets down a bit and brings his waist measurement down to 32, his measurement will jump to 1.406. That means without increasing his muscle mass at all, a mere two-inch reduction in his waist has brought him a lot closer to an ideal Adonis Index and an improved body.

If this client wants to take it a step further, he can adjust his training workout to add size to his shoulders. If he can add three inches on the total circumference, he’s pretty much set. At 48 inches with a 32 waist, our client is now at an Index 1.5, which is amazingly close.

Put It In Action

Here's a question I want you to ask yourself: If you've been trying to get a "perfect body" and you’ve been having some success despite taking wild stabs at what that means, think about what this means for you. It means that now you can select your workouts based on your specific needs.

If you're trying to build an impressive body -- with strong, broad shoulders and a narrow waist -- you definitely want to pay careful attention to the golden ratio and to your Adonis Index. The perfect body may be closer than you think.

Next Steps:
1- Determine your goal: fat loss or muscle building?
2- If it's fat loss, measure your shoulders. If muscle building, measure your waist.
3- If you’re trying to lose fat, focus on getting your waist measurement to fit the Adonis Index, as determined by your shoulder measurement. If you’re trying to gain muscle, focus on developing your shoulders to be 1.618 times your waist measurement.

Let us know how far away from your goal you are in the comments field below.

23 Mart 2013 Cumartesi

Adonis Effect Workout

  • 1. If you’ve ever told to yourself ", I wish to get in shape" then you must have had some picture in your head of what that "shape" is reckoned to be. You might be capable of describe it in some abstract terms like, "I’d like to lose some weight", or "I’d like to put on some muscle", or "I wish to look like >Insert name of popular Hollywood celebrity here<". Regrettably, merely desiring to look better doesn’t give you a great deal of a direction or road function to follow. How much weight do you demand to lose? How very much weight CAN you lose? How a lot muscle does you demand to build? How a great deal muscle CAN you build? And most importantly how a lot muscle SHOULD you build? Imagine you wanted to do any of these things (build muscle and lose fat). How would you know where to start with a physical exercise and diet curriculum, and even more importantly? How would you recognize when you’ve hit the exact size? Are 10 pounds of weight loss sufficient? Is 20 pounds? How do you measure fat loss and muscle gain at the same time? All of these important doubts are arbitrarily ignored in mainstream natural fitness advice. Whether its newspapers and mags or internet sites and books, no one describes a true measurable map of how to make your body look nicer. The truth is that without a distinctly determined target you could always be left restless and chasing a goal that is simply unattainable. And that is Alas what happens to so many of us because we have been given a bad sense of what is manageable (and even desirable) by the fitness mass media, professional and unpaid sports, and even Hollywood. In the next pages of the program, you will understand how the shapes that are exposed in the pages of natural fitness magazines, during most master and amateurish sporting events and on the silver screen are often a production of the secret world of steroids and other physique modifying drugs. Just as the mass media can depict an unrealistically thin ideal for women contributing to anorexia and many forms of consuming disorders, the culture media can and does portray a false size and muscularity to men that resulted in the opposite trouble from anorexia, which is named the Adonis Complex. Have you heard of the Adonis Effect training course of study, and you are keen on find out more about what it is actually all about? If you have been working out, I am sure that you already have some goals in mind regarding the size of your muscles and the objective weight you need to achieve. However, is the goal that you have set really the characteristics that an optimal body should have? Have you ever wondered what is the proper body shape and size to aim for? Most men just keep training themselves with heavier and heavier weights, eventually turning into an unattractive big bulk of muscle.
  • 2. 1. What is the hotter Way to Train Your Body? Men will forever feel the need to become bigger and more muscular, since that is our basic instinct for survival and strong dominance. However, there is a good Manner to train your body to achieve a specific and optimal goal, and it has nothing to do with getting bigger. Research has shown that there is a certain body ratio that is very desirable to women and is the envy in our modern society. 2. The Golden ratio this measuring is also known as the golden ratio, and it is 1: 1.1618 of your waist to shoulder circumference. It is this proportion that your physical exercise programs should be aimed to achieve, and not just to get "bigger". Men who have achieved this measuring have become more socially dominant and are capable of build strong attraction with women very easily. 3. How Can You Start Working Towards an Optimal Body? After realizing this truth about body-building, I went in search for an exercise course of study that aims to achieve this goal. That was when I found the Adonis Effect strong exercise plan. This course of study teaches everyone to work towards the same perfect male physique to achieve the Adonis Index proportion. Have you ever tried to figure out how many calories you need to eat in a day? Alternatively, maybe you've tried to figure out how many calories you actually consume in a day? If you have you recognize how difficult this whole process can be. And genuinely why do you want to know the answer any ways? Knowing how many calories you need to consume in a day to lose weight is only valuable if you know how many calories you are actually eating in a day well now. And to have things even more confusing, knowing how many calories you eat in a day is only actually valuable if you know how many calories you SHOULD be eating in a day. No wonder people get confused! Because research shows that we consistently miss-estimate the amount of calories we consume by as a great deal as 30%, most likely you likely only have a rough estimate of how many calories you are currently consuming in a day, even if you are using fancy on-line calculators or software. To have matters even worse, the metabolic calculators and predictive equations for your metabolic rate and calorie needs have been proven to have suspicious accuracy at best and can overvalue your calorie needs in excess of 1000 to 2000 calories per day. This plainly wouldn't help you in your quest to lose weight.
  • 3. Luckily, there is a great deal easier approach that will hand you a far heartier answer and true weight loss results. The secret to effective weight loss comes from the Way you consider about eating for weight loss. You need to ask yourself "where am I at correct NOW, and where do I need to go?" The amount of food you presently consume, and the amount of exercise you currently do on a daily and monthly basis makes your body look how it does exact NOW. In other words, your current actions and decisions are. What are responsible for the Way you currently look? Go stand in front of the mirror correct now (naked if possible) and consider about what you consume and how you exercise. The person looking back at you in the mirror is the result of your efforts. If you need to have that image in the mirror slightly smaller with a few less lb of fat you have to do at least one of the following two things. 1) Eat less. 2) Strong exercise more. Working Out more might not do a whole lot for speeding weight loss, especially if you already exercise regularly. After all how very much more time can you genuinely spend working out without it completely dominating all of your available times? Chances are you only have 2-4 hr per week that you can realistically commit to Exercising so that isn't the answer, which brings us to consuming less. Eating fewer total calories has been, and will perpetually be the only true effective Manner to lose weight and keep it off. The question is how you eat less without going nuts, obsessing over food, counting calories, reducing yourself off from the nutrients you love, and avoiding friendly gatherings and holiday banquets. The answer: adjustable periodic fasting ...That's proper, fasting. Flexible periodic Fasting is the cleanest and the most effective Manner to recognize that you are reducing calories out of your day-after-day routine without sacrificing the nutrients you love, or your social life, or your sanity. Just eat the exact same things and amounts you would usually consume on your regular days, and add in some flexible intermittent fasting to reduce your overall calories. It's a liberating experience that also teaches you to appreciate food and gets you in touch with your body.
  • 4. However, not all fasting programs are created equal. Religious fasting and true occasional fasting plans are very limiting and can get in the Manner of your informal life. I prefer a flexible irregular style of fasting that you can fit into your current life, instead of remodeling your entire life just to lose a few pounds. If your current life-style is not giving you the body you need, then it’s time to appear in the mirror and decide to have a change. Flexible occasional fasting is an easy and effective Means to cut calories, and reducing the amount of calories you consume is a sure fire means to lose weight and change the Way your body looks. The Adonis Complex is a body image optical aberration that numerous men confront thinking they need to constantly be massive. No matter how large a man becomes, he still sees himself as skinny and weak (just as a dangerously thin skinny still views themselves as fat). This is regrettably how numerous men start using and misusing steroids. Even while using huge amounts of steroids and gaining inhuman amounts of muscle a man caught in the mental trap of the Adonis Complex can never be satisfied and hence is constantly searching for a way to get even bigger. Drugs are added on top of drugs, dosage cycles become greater and lengthier until individuals are literally growing large to death. As you will shortly find out the mainstream media, pro sports and Hollywood are only making this worse as they are all in on an insidious lie about what really makes their stars look and perform the way they do. These are the false gods to be looking up to if you are at all engaged in coming into and remaining in your best shape naturally without drugs. And this is the whole point of the Adonis index Workout and the dramatic effect it can have on your body. The truth is that no matter where you are starting (huge or small, skinny or heavy) all roads lead to one perfect shape for each man. It’s closer than you think, and it can be achieved without the use of steroids. Read more about the Adonis Effect Workout here
  • 1. If you’ve ever told to yourself ", I wish to get in shape" then you must have had some picture in your head of what that "shape" is reckoned to be. You might be capable of describe it in some abstract terms like, "I’d like to lose some weight", or "I’d like to put on some muscle", or "I wish to look like >Insert name of popular Hollywood celebrity here<". Regrettably, merely desiring to look better doesn’t give you a great deal of a direction or road function to follow. How much weight do you demand to lose? How very much weight CAN you lose? How a lot muscle does you demand to build? How a great deal muscle CAN you build? And most importantly how a lot muscle SHOULD you build? Imagine you wanted to do any of these things (build muscle and lose fat). How would you know where to start with a physical exercise and diet curriculum, and even more importantly? How would you recognize when you’ve hit the exact size? Are 10 pounds of weight loss sufficient? Is 20 pounds? How do you measure fat loss and muscle gain at the same time? All of these important doubts are arbitrarily ignored in mainstream natural fitness advice. Whether its newspapers and mags or internet sites and books, no one describes a true measurable map of how to make your body look nicer. The truth is that without a distinctly determined target you could always be left restless and chasing a goal that is simply unattainable. And that is Alas what happens to so many of us because we have been given a bad sense of what is manageable (and even desirable) by the fitness mass media, professional and unpaid sports, and even Hollywood. In the next pages of the program, you will understand how the shapes that are exposed in the pages of natural fitness magazines, during most master and amateurish sporting events and on the silver screen are often a production of the secret world of steroids and other physique modifying drugs. Just as the mass media can depict an unrealistically thin ideal for women contributing to anorexia and many forms of consuming disorders, the culture media can and does portray a false size and muscularity to men that resulted in the opposite trouble from anorexia, which is named the Adonis Complex. Have you heard of the Adonis Effect training course of study, and you are keen on find out more about what it is actually all about? If you have been working out, I am sure that you already have some goals in mind regarding the size of your muscles and the objective weight you need to achieve. However, is the goal that you have set really the characteristics that an optimal body should have? Have you ever wondered what is the proper body shape and size to aim for? Most men just keep training themselves with heavier and heavier weights, eventually turning into an unattractive big bulk of muscle.
  • 2. 1. What is the hotter Way to Train Your Body? Men will forever feel the need to become bigger and more muscular, since that is our basic instinct for survival and strong dominance. However, there is a good Manner to train your body to achieve a specific and optimal goal, and it has nothing to do with getting bigger. Research has shown that there is a certain body ratio that is very desirable to women and is the envy in our modern society. 2. The Golden ratio this measuring is also known as the golden ratio, and it is 1: 1.1618 of your waist to shoulder circumference. It is this proportion that your physical exercise programs should be aimed to achieve, and not just to get "bigger". Men who have achieved this measuring have become more socially dominant and are capable of build strong attraction with women very easily. 3. How Can You Start Working Towards an Optimal Body? After realizing this truth about body-building, I went in search for an exercise course of study that aims to achieve this goal. That was when I found the Adonis Effect strong exercise plan. This course of study teaches everyone to work towards the same perfect male physique to achieve the Adonis Index proportion. Have you ever tried to figure out how many calories you need to eat in a day? Alternatively, maybe you've tried to figure out how many calories you actually consume in a day? If you have you recognize how difficult this whole process can be. And genuinely why do you want to know the answer any ways? Knowing how many calories you need to consume in a day to lose weight is only valuable if you know how many calories you are actually eating in a day well now. And to have things even more confusing, knowing how many calories you eat in a day is only actually valuable if you know how many calories you SHOULD be eating in a day. No wonder people get confused! Because research shows that we consistently miss-estimate the amount of calories we consume by as a great deal as 30%, most likely you likely only have a rough estimate of how many calories you are currently consuming in a day, even if you are using fancy on-line calculators or software. To have matters even worse, the metabolic calculators and predictive equations for your metabolic rate and calorie needs have been proven to have suspicious accuracy at best and can overvalue your calorie needs in excess of 1000 to 2000 calories per day. This plainly wouldn't help you in your quest to lose weight.
  • 3. Luckily, there is a great deal easier approach that will hand you a far heartier answer and true weight loss results. The secret to effective weight loss comes from the Way you consider about eating for weight loss. You need to ask yourself "where am I at correct NOW, and where do I need to go?" The amount of food you presently consume, and the amount of exercise you currently do on a daily and monthly basis makes your body look how it does exact NOW. In other words, your current actions and decisions are. What are responsible for the Way you currently look? Go stand in front of the mirror correct now (naked if possible) and consider about what you consume and how you exercise. The person looking back at you in the mirror is the result of your efforts. If you need to have that image in the mirror slightly smaller with a few less lb of fat you have to do at least one of the following two things. 1) Eat less. 2) Strong exercise more. Working Out more might not do a whole lot for speeding weight loss, especially if you already exercise regularly. After all how very much more time can you genuinely spend working out without it completely dominating all of your available times? Chances are you only have 2-4 hr per week that you can realistically commit to Exercising so that isn't the answer, which brings us to consuming less. Eating fewer total calories has been, and will perpetually be the only true effective Manner to lose weight and keep it off. The question is how you eat less without going nuts, obsessing over food, counting calories, reducing yourself off from the nutrients you love, and avoiding friendly gatherings and holiday banquets. The answer: adjustable periodic fasting ...That's proper, fasting. Flexible periodic Fasting is the cleanest and the most effective Manner to recognize that you are reducing calories out of your day-after-day routine without sacrificing the nutrients you love, or your social life, or your sanity. Just eat the exact same things and amounts you would usually consume on your regular days, and add in some flexible intermittent fasting to reduce your overall calories. It's a liberating experience that also teaches you to appreciate food and gets you in touch with your body.
  • 4. However, not all fasting programs are created equal. Religious fasting and true occasional fasting plans are very limiting and can get in the Manner of your informal life. I prefer a flexible irregular style of fasting that you can fit into your current life, instead of remodeling your entire life just to lose a few pounds. If your current life-style is not giving you the body you need, then it’s time to appear in the mirror and decide to have a change. Flexible occasional fasting is an easy and effective Means to cut calories, and reducing the amount of calories you consume is a sure fire means to lose weight and change the Way your body looks. The Adonis Complex is a body image optical aberration that numerous men confront thinking they need to constantly be massive. No matter how large a man becomes, he still sees himself as skinny and weak (just as a dangerously thin skinny still views themselves as fat). This is regrettably how numerous men start using and misusing steroids. Even while using huge amounts of steroids and gaining inhuman amounts of muscle a man caught in the mental trap of the Adonis Complex can never be satisfied and hence is constantly searching for a way to get even bigger. Drugs are added on top of drugs, dosage cycles become greater and lengthier until individuals are literally growing large to death. As you will shortly find out the mainstream media, pro sports and Hollywood are only making this worse as they are all in on an insidious lie about what really makes their stars look and perform the way they do. These are the false gods to be looking up to if you are at all engaged in coming into and remaining in your best shape naturally without drugs. And this is the whole point of the Adonis index Workout and the dramatic effect it can have on your body. The truth is that no matter where you are starting (huge or small, skinny or heavy) all roads lead to one perfect shape for each man. It’s closer than you think, and it can be achieved without the use of steroids. Read more about the Adonis Effect Workout here
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Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review – What You Need To Know

  • 1. Adonis Golden Ratio System – Adonis Golden Ratio Review Home Proudly powered by Adonis Golden Ratio Review WordPress ADONIS GOLDEN RATIO Leave a reply Are You Looking For Adonis Golden Ratio Review by Kyle Leon? Great You’re in the Right Site that will share with You everything about Adonis Golden Ratio System, is  A d o n i s   G o l d e n R a t i o s c a m ? or The best Building Muscule training program? The Real truth in My Honest Adonis Golden Ratio Review Building Muscle Product Name: A d o n i s G o l d e n R a t i o Adonis Golden Ratio Website: www.AdonisGoldenRatio.com Adonis Golden Ratio Developor: Kyle Leon Adonis Golden Ratio Price: $47 Only Adonis Golden Ratio Review Adonis Golden Ratio is new building muscle training program created by Top expert in this field Kyle Leon. Adonis Golden Ratio is 12 Week System, a complete training & nutrition  system is designed & guaranteed to quickly lose your stubborn stomach fat and pack on inches of lean muscle where you need it most to get your perfect body fast. T h e A d o n i s G o l d e n R a t i o Week Training program by Kyle Leon is not for pill popping, pie in the sky, couch potato whiners who think they don’t have to work hard to building the perfect body. The Adonis Golden Ratio 12 Week System is for anyone who want to building muscle fast, Search young or old, skinny or with a few lbs to lose who wants to get ripped fast and is willing to work for the perfect body he dreams. RECENT POSTS Adonis Golden Ratio Review Top 10 Foods To Build Muscle Fast ==> Watch Theis LIVE Video Now! How to Build Muscle Fast for Men Naturally RECENT COMMENTS Adonis Golden Ratio Scam ARCHIVES February 2013 CATEGORIES Truthfully, if you follow Adonis Golden Ratio system step by step, it’s virtually IMPOSSIBLE Adonis Golden Ratio for this training program not to work for you. Adonis Golden Ratio Download Adonis Golden Ratio Review Adonis Golden Ratio Scam Adonis Golden Ratio System is helped many young & men to building muscle fast at Adonis Golden Ratio System Buy Adonis Golden Ratio home. Try Kyle Leon Adonis Golden Ratio %100 Risk Free! How to Build Muscle Fast How to Build Muscle Fast for Men Kyle Leon Adonis Golden Ratio I have never seen a Perfect & Complete Muscle building training program like the Adonis META Log in Golden Ratio 12 Week System. Entries RSS Comments RSS WordPress.org In one word, the A d o n i s G o l d e n R a t i o is Best Body Formula by Kyle Leon.Generated with www.html-to-pdf.net Page 1 / 3
  • 2. This entry was posted in Adonis Golden Ratio Scam, Kyle Leon Adonis Golden Ratio and tagged Adonis Golden Ratio, Adonis Golden Ratio Download, Adonis Golden Ratio Review, Adonis Golden Ratio Scam, Adonis Golden Ratio Software, Adonis Golden Ratio System, AdonisGoldenRatio, Build Muscle Fast, Buy Adonis Golden Ratio, How to Build Muscle Fast, How to Build Muscle Fast for Men, How to Build Muscle Fast for Men Naturally, kyle leon, Kyle leon Adonis Golden Ratio on February 4, 2013 by admin. Top 10 Foods To Build Muscle Fast Leave a reply Exercise is not enough to build muscle and amplify, must also be given to the food because it is the foundation vs. build muscle, and supply the body with the necessary energy and vitamins and protein.  In this article, we remind you of the best 10 foods contribute to build muscle fast and effectively. 1 – Eggs and especially rich in omega 3 Egg is one of the most foods rich in protein and amino acids, including omega-3, which is a very important element to build muscle, because this component is working to increase the representation of protein and thus facilitate the absorption of his muscles. 2 – Nuts It is an important source and rich in fiber and fat beneficial for the body, it’s also very rich energy resources for training and lifting weights, preferably eating nuts intention and that do not contain any salts or additions, and the best kinds of nuts, walnuts and cashews, pistachios and almonds. 3 – Banana cocktail with milk and fruit It rich with protein needed to build muscle, and contributes to increased metabolism and increase energy stored in the muscles, he also digestion process. 4 – F u l l-f a t c h e e s e Full-fat cheese contains a high proportion of protein, it also raises the rate of amino acid or amino acids in the blood, as well as on the amount of beneficial bacteria to the body, which facilitates the digestion process and make the most of the food. 5 -C h i c k p e a s As it contains a very high percentage of carbohydrates and fiber, one of chickpeas contains 45 grams of carbohydrates that provide the body with energy, in addition to 12 grams of fiber. 6 – M i n c e d m e a t f a t-f r e e It is the most important and richest source of protein and amino acids needed to build muscle, as he also rich in vitamin B and Een. 7 – Grilled chicken It is largely available in all restaurants and even in the supermarket, and is one of the healthy foods because of white meat rich in protein and amino acids. 8 – le n t i l s a n d l e g u m e s It is the cheapest and the richest source of protein and carbohydrates, Vkob one of lentils contains 40 grams of protein, as well as carbohydrates.Generated with www.html-to-pdf.net Page 2 / 3
  • 3. 9 – Salmon The richest source of amino acid called omega-3, which is very important to build muscle and heart health, and if you’re someone who does not love to eat fish, you can restore eating fish oil capsules, which is cheap and available in all pharmacies, and shops. 10 – Yellow cheese One of the one of the most important secrets to build strong muscles, and increase the body’s metabolism, as it contains beneficial bacteria, contribute to facilitate the process of digestion, and thus make the most of the food, and the yellow cheese provide the body with a large amount of energy. This entry was posted in Adonis Golden Ratio, Adonis Golden Ratio Download, Adonis Golden Ratio Review, Adonis Golden Ratio System, Buy Adonis Golden Ratio, How to Build Muscle Fast, How to Build Muscle Fast for Men and tagged Adonis Golden Ratio, Adonis Golden Ratio Download, Adonis Golden Ratio Review, Adonis Golden Ratio Scam, Adonis Golden Ratio Software, Adonis Golden Ratio System, AdonisGoldenRatio, Build Muscle Fast, Buy Adonis Golden Ratio, How to Build Muscle Fast, How to Build Muscle Fast for Men, How to Build Muscle Fast for Men Naturally on February 4, 2013 by admin. How to Build Muscle Fast for Men Naturally Leave a reply Revealed a U.S. report recently published a site medical reliable surest and best way to b u i l d m u s c l e f a s t in record time, noting that it comes through regularity in a gyms and reliance on strategic exercise using weights too heavy and repeated training them, and carry them a few times does not exceed three or four times in per workout. How to Build Muscle Fast for Men The report emphasized that this information documented alongside empirical evidence the testimony of many of the global players objects, at the same time show to the need for caution while lifting those weights large so it was not a trainee of injuries, most notably muscle rupture and slipped discs. He also advised the report eating very large amounts of protein throughout the day, because they fuel the basic to build muscle, and care must be taken to exercise the greatest muscle, and not be underestimated in any muscle, and can add some exercises weekly to exercise muscles neglected by the human trained, under the supervision of trainers within b o d y b u i l d i n g gyms. As report also pointed out another benefit of exercise weights are too heavy, as pointed out, it increases the power of the human and the bear, which contributes to increase its ability to replicate the performance of exercises the greatest number of times, thereby increasing the density muscle, and improved aesthetics of the muscles, while repeating those exercises a few times inflate more muscle. The report added that the pimp very important to build strong muscles is sleep every night for a period of not less than 7 hours, because adequate sleep helps the body to build muscle, a result of increased growth hormone levels, while causing fatigue resulting from a lack of sleep and increased secretion of the hormone cortisol in make m u s c l e-b u i l d i n g extremely difficult, as recent scientific study revealed that lack of sleep makes a person lose weight and muscle mass to his body more. Learn How To Build Muscle Fast For Men with Adonis Golden Ratio System This entry was posted in Adonis Golden Ratio, Adonis Golden Ratio Download, Adonis Golden Ratio Review, Adonis Golden Ratio System, Buy Adonis Golden Ratio, How to Build Muscle Fast, How to Build Muscle Fast for Men and tagged Adonis Golden Ratio, Adonis Golden Ratio Download, Adonis Golden Ratio Review, Adonis Golden Ratio Scam, Adonis Golden Ratio Software, Adonis Golden Ratio System, AdonisGoldenRatio, Build Muscle Fast, Buy Adonis Golden Ratio, How to Build Muscle Fast, How to Build Muscle Fast for Men, How to Build Muscle Fast for Men Naturally on February 

Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review – What You Need To Know

 At around the 00:33 I talked about it in detail. Here is more information on the news about/on Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review:
"The Adonis Effect is definitely a different program that mixes the science of Attraction with the science of building muscle and reducing your weight. It advises that it will give you a program that will build you a body scientifically designed to attract females. It reveals the golden ratio of 1.618 and this has been called the 'Adonis Ratio". The golden ratio applied to your body is your shoulder width in comparison with the width of your waist. Your height is also taken into calculation for this measurement.You will find there's a calculator on the Adonis Effect website. If you know your shoulder, waist & height measurements you can put them in and get your ideal measurements for your shoulders and waist that to have the 'golden ratio'.The Program
The Adonis effect program is designed into an 12 week period which offers three versions - Burn program, Build and build and burn program. You will have to select which of the programs you need to get you the golden ratio. The burn program is aimed ..."
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Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review,"Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review news","breaking news Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review","news onAdonis Golden Ratio Systems Review","information on Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review","exclusive news on Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review","what is Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review","Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review video",news,gossip,breaking news,media,trends,people,entertainment,information,tv,television

19 Mart 2013 Salı

The Golden Ratio and Perfect Proportions for the Male Body

Beauty in the the human form is closely correlated to, if not defined by, the golden ratio.  It should be no surprise then that the perfect proportions for the male body would also be related to the Golden Ratio.  I recently reviewed a new body-building and exercise program called “Adonis Golden Ratio.”  I was impressed with not only its legitimate application of the golden ratio in defining the ideal proportions of the male physique, but also the research and methods developed to help men achieve this ideal.
The system is based on the concept that ideal male proportions occur when the circumference of the shoulders to that of the waist is a golden ratio.  Men’s suits sizes are generally based on the circumference of the chest, which results in a smaller ratio.  An example of ideal build then would be a 48″ shoulder measurement with a 30″ waist measurement.
Do you now look more like the Pillsbury Dough Boy than Michelangelo’s David?  No problem. The Adonis Golden Ratio system is customized to meet the needs of any man no matter what his condition when he starts the program.  The program makes it clear that this is not your average body building program, and that the look that you want for optimal health and attractiveness is not what you often see in muscle-building magazines.  It’s more about achieving the way your body was designed to look.  As they put it, “think Muscle Beach 1940, not Wrestle Mania.”  Adonis includes a software application that considers your current height, weight, waist, and shoulder measurements, age and available exercise time as inputs and then creates a custom program to progress you towards your own ideal physique.  It provides instructions on diet, exercise and weight training that change as you progress through the program.
The concepts behind the program appeared in an article called The Perfect Body Formula in Men’s Health Magazine in 2008 but the program has apparently been released only recently in this bundle of software, books and DVD’s and is being offered at a very low price.  Click on the image below for more information:

Breaking News: Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review

Click here for the full scoop on Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review:
. At around the 00:33 I talked about it in detail. Here is more information on the news about/on Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review:
"The Adonis Effect is definitely a different program that mixes the science of Attraction with the science of building muscle and reducing your weight. It advises that it will give you a program that will build you a body scientifically designed to attract females. It reveals the golden ratio of 1.618 and this has been called the 'Adonis Ratio". The golden ratio applied to your body is your shoulder width in comparison with the width of your waist. Your height is also taken into calculation for this measurement.You will find there's a calculator on the Adonis Effect website. If you know your shoulder, waist & height measurements you can put them in and get your ideal measurements for your shoulders and waist that to have the 'golden ratio'.The Program
The Adonis effect program is designed into an 12 week period which offers three versions - Burn program, Build and build and burn program. You will have to select which of the programs you need to get you the golden ratio. The burn program is aimed ..."
Click here to learn more about Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review:
Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review,"Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review news","breaking news Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review","news onAdonis Golden Ratio Systems Review","information on Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review","exclusive news on Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review","what is Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review","Adonis Golden Ratio Systems Review video",news,gossip,breaking news,media,trends,people,entertainment,information,tv,television