3 Mart 2013 Pazar

Adonis Golden Ratio Review How #calories Work With Adonis Golden Ratio Systems

How calories Work with Adonis golden ratio systems  adonisgoldenratiosystems.com/Video 

- What happens if body calories gained more or less than the body uses?
Either to acquire body weight and either lose some of it.
- The accumulation of 3,500 extra calories increases body weight by a pound of fat, and fat is considered the body's way to save energy needs on other days.
- If your body calories consumed higher than eaten by 3,500 calories by increasing exercise or lack of food, the body converts pound of stored fat for energy has to compensate for the shortage.
- The exercises increase the rate of construction process not only during exercise but also the construction process takes time to return to normal and if it continues in this high rate performance, the body consumes more calories for about two hours after you stop performing the exercises.
- Not thrown a lot of people not source and how to get the calories, protein calories does not differ from both calories and energy unit, and as long as we burn calories as much will not increase weight.
- But if more calories than we have gained will lose some weight, but if we are talking here about feeding it important source know these calories.
- The carbohydrate and protein sources more secure of calories from fat Although our bodies need how much fat to functioning efficiently and despite the fact that an adequate supply of fat helps the body absorption vitamins, which swallowed up the individual, fat can cause the results of serious health on the body.
- And advised many of the doctors and nutrition specialists have a maximum of calories from fat is 25% Acquisition of daily calories and about 56 grams of fat per day during the diet 2000 Price

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